The Food Break – a “Must”
April 17, 2019
Nowadays, the pace at work is often hectic. Meetings are back to back, emergencies are waiting for us at every corner and despite our planning efforts, we always run short on hours to accomplish everything. Unfortunately, there are many who choose to sacrifice mealtime because they have too much to do. It’s a practice that is both toxic for our health but also for our effectiveness.
From a health point of view, skipping a meal exposes us to faster weight gain. Our body protects itself by storing future calories for fear of starvation. Our level of energy and concentration is also be diminished and therefore have an impact on the second point, our efficiency. Taking a meal break is not only a time to eat but it also serves to take a step back from our work. It also serves to take a moment between colleagues to relax and discuss other topics than work. We must not forget that a meal is also a social activity that impacts our happiness at work. A happy employee is a productive employee!
Of course, it’s a time that could be spent checking emails, taking up lost time or moving forward on our projects, but few of us would be willing to say that they prefer to stay at their desk, alone, and have as the only interlocutor their stomach gurgles since 11:00 in the morning! Respect yourself and take a break!
At BKOM Studios, we have created a beautiful kitchen to encourage our employees to prepare good food and eat together while having fun and chatting about everything and anything. In addition, when the sun is out and the good weather is back (after a long and harsh winter!), we will even take a break on our beautiful sun terrace.
Some of us even take advantage of it to play sports or play group games around the building. Others will garden in our private area designed to make beautiful crops grow throughout the summer.
All means are good to take a break to refuel before facing the rest of the day.
After all, if we want to be champions, we must have filled our bellies!
by Nathan Fillion
Director of Human Resources