Play on PC, Consoles, Mobile, PLAY!

We create fun and engaging gaming experiences across all types of platforms.

  • Game/Level design
  • User experience strategy
  • 2D/3D Animation
  • 3D Modeling
  • Sound design
  • Unity/HTML5 Development
  • Mobile/PC/Consoles
  • Backend Development
  • Monetization Strategy
  • Localization

Take a look at our latest games


Always fun!

We’re all about having fun, no matter the media.

  • Gamification
  • Monetization Strategy
  • Mini-Games, Polls & Quiz Design
  • Face Recognition and Image Analysis
  • COPPA/GDPR Compliance (if required)
  • Analytic Strategy & Integration
  • Multiplatform Development
  • Backend Development
  • Localization

Take a look at our latest apps


Marketing and Community Management

Connecting brands with customers

We develop marketing strategies, online media campaigns and promotional tools that incite the audience to further engage with toys, games or brands.

  • Strategies and tactics
  • Video production
  • Media campaigns
  • Analytics
  • SEO
  • Social Media

Live Ops

Life after launch

We support you in order to constantly improve and grow user engagement, following key performance indicators (KPI) to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

  • Content and feature updates
  • Break-fix support
  • Backend support and monitoring
  • Performance analysis